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Optimizing Financial Models with Llamasoft

One way in which Model Metrix delivers value to our clients is by creatively integrating leading  technologies to offer new enhanced capabilities for financial modeling,  analysis and reporting.  In a recent client engagement, we combined the optimization capability of Llamasoft with our multi-dimensional modeling platform of choice, Quantrix Modeler.    Llamasoft offers optimization solutions across industries and management areas; most notably supply chain and demand planning.  Quantrix provides advanced capabilities for budgeting, planning, and forecasting as well as niche

The Model Metrix Approach to Building Better Financial Models

An often-overlooked issue that companies face is the lack of a unified financial modeling methodology. Model design is usually up to the style and experience of the builder.  Many people stretch the limits of their understanding of spreadsheets and take shortcuts or employ workarounds that did the trick in the past.  These factors only drive spreadsheet risk beyond the usual hidden formula errors, broken worksheet links,

Modeling-as-a-Service: A Peek Under the Hood

What is Modeling-as-a-Service? Also known as MaaS, it is the delivery of outsourced financial and operational models either on premise or in the cloud. In this case, Model Metrix designs, builds and maintains the model(s) for our clients. This service frees up client teams to focus on providing strategic value without having to hire expensive